Underweight – is an equally important problem than being pudgy. The notion of normal here is relative, so dieticians agree that «normal weight» – is that weight at which a person feels comfortable.
Often people think that gaining weight is easy – it is enough to eat fatty, calorie-dense foods. But as a rule, if there are serious problems, weight is not gained, at the same time health indicators deteriorate noticeably from an unbalanced ration.
Weight gain – is the second most popular reason which applies to our correction center. And our task is to – to develop a personalized nutrition plan to help gain weight:
- with maximum health benefits;
- without harming the figure;
- without risks in the future.
You can always come to us if you have experienced rapid weight gain or, on the contrary, – decline. We will make an individual nutrition protocol based on your tests, eating habits, metabolism, and hormonal background.