Clean eating: what it is and what the research says
The clean eating movement has been gaining popularity every year for a decade now. Forums discuss the usefulness of community guidelines, and there are a wide variety of diets on the Internet, but no clear definition has emerged. In the material we look at clean nutrition from all sides, show the advantages and discuss the disadvantages that must be taken into account.
Clean Eating Products
First of all, the principle of the community is to choose only those natural products that will be beneficial for the body. They should not:
- contain processed ingredients;
- contain various harmful additives or preservatives;
- be refined.
Such food should actually make the body cleaner and healthier. These are whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Nuts and healthy proteins should be included in the diet.
Benefits of Clean Eating
The main advantage is a large number of healthy products and the absence of harmful ones. Potentially you will be able to:
- Get a clean eating plan with no sweets, minimal sodium or ultra-processed foods;
- improve health and forget about heaviness;
- control your weight.
These are all important advantages that really deserve attention. But we must not forget about the disadvantages that lie in such a healthy approach.
What are the risks in eating clean
This nutritional program may seem beneficial at first glance, but it has several fundamental problems. The key drawback is the lack of a precise definition and list of available products. Because of this, a factor of subjectivity arises. Some products will be considered bad, others – good, and therefore the goals of such typing will not be achieved.
Due to the lack of clear recommendations on the nutrition program, you may encounter:
- problems due to excessive food restriction. A deficiency of useful elements can cause not only physical weakness, but also psychological disorders;
- the emergence of a bad habit of fanatically eating exclusively healthy food, without having any reason to consider this or that product harmful;
- manifestation of eating disorders. Strict avoidance of subjectively bad foods can become a real obsession.
That is why we can recommend that you choose balanced and healthy nutrition programs calculated by professionals. Thanks to this, you can avoid possible problems with clean eating and control your diet yourself. Get energized every day with a balanced basket of foods, compiled by experts based on research!