Nutrition After Bariatrics Surgeries

Bariatric surgery is just the first step toward the goal of a slim figure and health. But this procedure alone is not enough. You need a special nutritional program after bariatric surgery.

This is not a traditional diet because patients do not feel hunger and for a certain period lose interest in food altogether. It’s very important to build a competent eating regimen, the composition of the food and to balance it as much as possible.

We develop a personalized nutritional strategy for each individual patient, considering their tests, history of obesity, eating habits, lifestyle and type of bariatric surgery. As a result, the tandem of bariatrics and a balanced diet produces quick and long-lasting results.

питание после бариатрических операций

Bariatric surgery: What is it?

Bariatric surgery is the surgical treatment of excess body weight (obesity). It is a weight loss surgery in which the gastrointestinal tract is reshaped: the stomach is shrunk and/or the intestines are reshaped so that their absorptive surface is reduced.

According to a new study from a JAMA report, patients who undergo weight loss surgery reduce their risk of dying within the next 5 to 10 years.

The body absorbs nutrients from food very differently after such an intervention and learns to actively burn fat. There is no habitual feeling of hunger, and you don’t need willpower to overcome your appetite. But! It takes discipline to strictly follow a meal plan. This is the key to success.

Diet after surgery

The diet is divided into 4 stages with specific deadlines and recommendations. This allows you to avoid potential complications and ensure that your digestive system gradually adapts to the new dietary rules.

A nutritionist will develop an individual nutrition program that will help your organism to:

  • Quickly recover from the surgery.
  • Start burning fat at an accelerated rate.
  • Get all necessary vitamins and microelements from food, which is very important after intestinal surgery.
  • Form proper eating habits, which will ensure healthy long-term weight loss.
диета после бариатрических операций

Why should nutrition after bariatrics be taken under control?

If a patient does not learn how to eat properly after bariatrics, the weight will come back. For the first 2-3 years, your organism will lose pounds, but then, if you don’t change your attitude toward food, you’ll start gaining weight again.

"I often work with patients after bariatric surgeries who have lost weight first, but haven't learned to eat right, haven't changed their eating habits and nutrition regime. As a rule, they think they can eat a little bit of everything. No, they can't! The weight will come back if they don't balance their diet and not radically change the eating pattern".
Доктор Ольга Безуглая
Nutritionist of the center

How the program of nutrition in the weight correction center is made up?

  • After bariatric surgery, you come in for an initial consultation with your tests ready.
  • The nutritionist evaluates the results of examinations, the state of health at the current moment, and the nature of the surgical intervention.
  • The nutritionist prepares an individual nutrition plan and balances it in terms of proteins/fats/carbohydrates, taking into account the dietary regime, the consistency of food, the method of cooking, and portion size.
  • To avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies, the nutritionist prepares complex vitamin and mineral preparations.
  • The nutritionist designs the diet to minimize the side effects after bariatric surgery, such as nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn.
  • The nutritionist helps you form new eating strategies that must be adhered to for life.

Order a nutritional selection

  • The cost of the initial consultation with Dr. Olga Bezugla (unaccompanied) 150 $
  • Clinic nutritionist (unaccompanied) 100 $
  • The cost of dietary support for a month 100 $

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