Nutrition for therapeutic diseases

We develop personalized therapeutic nutrition protocols for diseases of a therapeutic profile.

How do we work?

Ольга Безуглая
  • We make strictly individual nutrition programs taking into account your well-being, medical history and medical diagnosis and the results of laboratory tests;
  • Develop new strategies of eating behavior aimed at preventing diseases or preventing complications of existing conditions;
  • We form a follow-up examination and treatment plan if changes in the state of health are detected;
  • We adjust the ration as needed and compensation for the disease.

Therapeutic nutrition programs

  • Therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, reflux stomach disease, colitis, etc. The diet in these cases is aimed at improving well-being and reducing symptoms, compensating for the condition, recovery and prevention of new relapses of the disease.
  • Therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension (the ration is based on the Dash diet principle, recognized as one of the best according to the estimates of doctors from the National Institutes of Health in the category «Health benefits for patients with hypertension»), dyslipidemia, i.e. including elevated cholesterol, elevated low-density lipoproteins «harmful cholesterol» (a hypocholesterol diet, in which products that increase «harmful cholesterol» are excluded, and a balanced diet with the presence of the right fats is formed).
  • Therapeutic nutrition for allergic diseases is based on the patient’s examination data, taking into account the established diagnosis. It is formed taking into account the presence/ absence of those products whose influence on the occurrence of the disease has been proven and is present in this patient.
  • Therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the genitourinary system: kidney and bladder diseases, urolithiasis. The ration is compiled taking into account the diagnosed disease and according to the results of the examination. For example, for patients with urolithiasis, a special type of ration is formed with the exception of products that contribute to the occurrence of concretions.
Питание при заболеваниях терапевтического профиля

What do need to know?

It is important to understand that the presence of chronic diseases requires a special model and nutrition protocol. Often patients have comorbid pathology (the presence of concomitant diseases) and it is important to be able to balance all nutrition as much as possible, taking into account the existing conditions, a nutritionist will help you with this!

Many therapeutic nutrition programs that are prescribed to patients in state clinics were developed under the USSR, 40-50 years ago. These are classic medical diets (tables, as they used to say) numbered 1, 2, 3 and up to № 15.

Today, modern dietetics uses basic nutrition strategies based on evidence-based protocols from around the world. In our clinic, specialists successfully apply these protocols and develop therapeutic menus taking into account the pathology that the patient has.

Any therapeutic diet is prescribed to the patient individually, taking into account his diagnosis and current state of health.

Make an appointment for an initial consultation with a nutritionist right now!

Order a nutritional selection

  • The cost of the initial consultation with Dr. Olga Bezugla (unaccompanied)​ 150 $
  • Clinic nutritionist (unaccompanied) 100 $
  • The cost of dietary support for a month​ 100 $

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+380 66 944 32 18

г. Киев, вулиця Кожум'яцька, 16 Б


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