Nutrition for dermatological diseases
The nutritionist makes up the diet based on the dermatological diagnosis and taking into account those medications, the reception of which is necessary for the normalization of the condition.
The specialists of our medical center develop a balanced nutrition for skin diseases of a wide spectrum:
- atopic dermatitis;
- vitiligo;
- rosacea;
- psoriasis;
- acne, etc.
There are many myths and «horror stories» in dermatology (for example, regarding dairy products and gluten). The task of a nutritionist – to answer all questions, dispel misconceptions that prevent eating properly.
Proper nutrition for dermatological diseases
The selection of the ration takes into account the individual indicators and the diagnosis of the patient, the data of his metabolism. Our doctors use evidence-based dietary protocols aimed at improving the condition of the skin, alleviating manifestations of dermatological diseases.
The diet for psoriasis patients allows:
- Reduce the manifestation of the disease on the skin and reduce the severity of the disease.
- Increase the effectiveness of prescribed drug therapy.
A nutritionist makes a balanced ration that closes the deficiency of vitamins and nutrients, helps to improve health and increase periods of remission.
Diet for rosacea skin disease will help:
- Significantly reduce the risks of manifestation on the skin and eliminate the exacerbation of the disease.
- Build a balanced ration, thanks to which it will be easy for you to keep control of the disease and the risks of its manifestation.
Diet for acne involves:
- Restriction of products with a high glycemic index, which affects the degree of acne and the need for medical treatment.
- There is also a certain connection with dairy products, but additional examinations and a personalized approach are required here.
The diet for atopic dermatitis is aimed at:
- Exclusion of products that provoke allergic reactions.
- Inclusion in the ration of foods that help to fill deficiencies and establish a healthy diet.
- Taking care of the gastrointestinal tract, since the role of probiotics and prebiotics in atopic dermatitis is extremely important.
A nutritionist will also help you sort out the list of foods to which you have sensitivity. For example, many of our patients believe that gluten should be excluded. In fact, if you have no sensitivity to this complex protein, then it can be consumed.
For the initial consultation, you need to take tests in any convenient laboratory (the results are valid for 1 month) and make an appointment by phone or on the website. This is the first step to beauty and health!
Order a nutritional selection
The cost of the initial consultation with Dr. Olga Bezugla (unaccompanied) 150 $
Clinic nutritionist (unaccompanied) 100 $
The cost of dietary support for a month 100 $
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